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Вставьте местоимения who, whose или which.1. Mary don’t know ___ sheet of paper it was. 2. We are talking about the book ___ we bought a week ago. 3. I didn’t know the woman ___ was looking at me yesterday in the shop. 4. Where is the cake ___ he cooked yesterday? 5. Do you know ___ dog it is? 6. I know ___ broke your laptop. 7. They are discussing the girl ___ won the competition. 8. Do you see the cat ___ has a big violet bow? 9. She wonders ___ bike it is. 10. The chocolate ___ I bought is in the fridge.


1. Mary doesn’t know whose sheet of paper it was. 2. We are talking about the book which we bought a week ago. 3. I didn’t know the woman who was looking at me yesterday in the shop. 4. Where is the cake which he cooked yesterday? 5. Do you know whose dog it is? 6. I know who broke your laptop. 7. They are discussing the girl who won the competition. 8. Do you see the cat which has a big violet bow? 9. She wonders whose bike it is. 10. The chocolate which I bought is in the fridge.

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