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Английский язык

25 поинтов , английский шестой класс скоро сдавать​


3. I studied at German school, but I forgot most of it now.

4.The police arrested three people, but later they let them go.

5. What do you think of my English? Do you think its improved? [? - не точно]

6. Are you ready to go? Did you finish your coffee?

7. I applyied for a job as a tour guide, but I wasn't successful.

8. Where's my bike? It was outside the house, but it's not there now.

9. Quick! We need to call an ambulance. There was an accident.

10. A: I've found my phone.

     B: Oh, good. Where did you find it?

     A: It was at the bottom of my bag.

11.   A: Ben won't be able to play tennis for a while. He broke his arm.

      B:Oh. How that happened?

      A: He fell off a ladder.


     Как-то так)

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