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Английский язык

Пожалуйста посчитайте пожалуйста с заданиемВставьте артикли где необходимо:1) I met ... girl today, and ... girl was from ... Sweden 2) Our neighbour across ... street is from ... Australia, and she works as ... English teacher.3) ... Fiji is ... island in ... Pacific.4) My dad works on ... boat as ... fisherman in ... USA5) ... Shakespeare is ... writer of ... love story, Romeo and Juliet6) ... Sahara is in ... Africa . Weather there is ... hot and dry.


I met a girl today and the girl was from sWEDEN

Our neighbour across a street is from Australia and she work as English teacher

Fiji is Island in Pacific

My dad works on a boat as a fishman in USA

Shakespeare is a writer of a Love story Romeo and Juliet

Shara is in Africa. Weather there is hot and dry

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