4 год назад
Переведите на английский язык правильно употребляя глаголы past simple или past continuos:1. вчера он играл с друзья в волейбол2. В это время они были дома 3. Я видел Анжелику в парке. Она сидела на скамейке и читала книгу 4. Кейт и Елизавета играли в карты и читали книги в десять тридцать вечера 5. Когда мы проснулись светило солнце 6. Вчера вечером Глория мыла волосы 7. Они шли по дороге, когда они увидели Бреда 8. Она была уже в постеле, когда она увидела приведение. Она закричала, когда приведение приблизилось. 9. Я печатала статью, когда он пришёл 10. В пятнадцать часов я с моими одноклассниками писал сочинение

Nov 12, 2020
1. Yesterday he played volleyball with friends.
2. At this time they were at home.
3. I saw Angelica in the Park. She was sitting on a bench reading a book.
4. Kate and Elizabeth played cards and read books at ten-thirty in the evening.
5. when we woke up, the sun was shining.
6. Gloria washed her hair Last night.
7. They were walking along the road when they saw Brad.
8. She was already in bed when she saw the Ghost. She screamed as the Ghost approached.
9. I was typing an article when he came in.
10. In fifteen hours I and my classmates wrote an essay.
2. At this time they were at home.
3. I saw Angelica in the Park. She was sitting on a bench reading a book.
4. Kate and Elizabeth played cards and read books at ten-thirty in the evening.
5. when we woke up, the sun was shining.
6. Gloria washed her hair Last night.
7. They were walking along the road when they saw Brad.
8. She was already in bed when she saw the Ghost. She screamed as the Ghost approached.
9. I was typing an article when he came in.
10. In fifteen hours I and my classmates wrote an essay.