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Английский язык

3. заполните пробелы сравнительной или превосходной степенью наречий/ прилагательных в скобках. При необходимости добавляйте свои собственные слова.1) My sister drives … (carelessly) me. 2) I left the party … (late) you did.3) My best friend plays chess … (well) I do.4) Which is … (heavy) animal in the world? 5) Does the cheetah run … (fast) the lion? 6) I don’t like the cake. It’s … (bad) I have ever eaten. 7) Mary is … (beautiful) girl in the group.


1) My sister drives more carelessly than me.

2) I left the party later than you did.

3) My best friend plays chess better than I do.

4) Which is the heaviest animal in the world?

5) Does the cheetah run faster than the lion?

6) I don’t like the cake. It’s the worst I have ever eaten.

7) Mary is the most beautiful girl in the group.

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