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1.She (do) no shopping this month. 2. The students (make) progress this term so far. 3. The scientists (learn) a lot in the last fifty years. 4. I am afraid we have to drink tea this morning. I (forget) to buy coffee. 5. Mary (not buy) a new dress for years. 6. He (live) in the country since his wife died. 7. She (feel) very unwell today. 8. They (be) happy all their life. 9. My sister (not marry) yet. 10. The students never (be) to England. 11. Our town (change) recently. 12. I (not hear) the story before. 13. The clock already (strike) 14. you ever (see) Stonehenge? 15. He just (leave) home. 16. They (not see) each other lately. 17. I always (want) to be a vet. 18. Look She (fall) off the bike.​Раскройте скобки


Did not go



Forgot to buy

Has not bought

Has been living

She feels

They Were happy

Has not married yet

Have never been

Has changed recently

I did not hear the story before

Has already stiked

Have you ever seen?

He has Just leaved

They have not seen each other...


Falled off

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