4 год назад
Пожалуйста посчитайте плиззз 100 поинтов 1Complete the sentences.optician’s, butcher’s, chemist’s, bakery, clothes shop, jeweller’s You can buy a loaf of bread in the ___________.You can buy a silver necklace in the ____________.If you have a headache, you can find some aspirin in the ___________. You can buy some fresh pork or beef in the ____________.You can buy a new jacket in the ________________.You can buy a new pair glasses in the ______________. 2Choose the correct word. These shoes are on [sale/ stock].I’d like to try these jeans [on / in].These sunglasses are brand new. I bought them a [pair / couple]of days ago.I’ve come to pick [on / up] my prescription.Let me have a [look / see]. 3Classify the sentences. Asking for directions ‒Giving directions ‒ It’s between the school and the shop.Yes, there is one opposite the bank.It’s just a five minute walk from here.Where is it exactly? It’s just around the corner.I need to send a letter. Is a post office near here?Where’s the nearest hair dresser’s? We’ve run out of bread. Is there a bakery near here?

Curtis Matthew
Nov 11, 2020
1. 1) bakery
2) jeweller's
3) chemist's
4) butcher's
5) clothes shop
6) optician's
2.1) sale
2) in
3) pair
4) up
5) look