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Пожалуйста Пожалуйста посчитайте по английскому языку!Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense.1. A: _____ (you/enjoy) the documentary on indigenous tribes last night?B: No, even though I _____ (read) good reviews of it in the TV guide. 2. A: What _____ (you/do) at 9 o’clock yesterday evening?B: I _____ (surf) the Net and I _____ (chat) with my friends online.3. A: While I _____ (ride) my bike in the park the other day, I (have) a terrible accident.B: Oh my! _____ (you/hurt) yourself?4. A: What time _____ (you/go) to the gym yesterday?B: At 8 p.m. When I got there you _____ (already/leave).5. A: Why _____ (Larry/look) so tired yesterday?B: Because he _____ (walk) around the city all day.


1)Did you enjoy.B)read

2)did you do.B) surfed,chatted

3)rode.B)Did you hurt

4)did you go.B)already left

5)did Larry look.B)walked

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