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Пожалуйста, Пожалуйста посчитайте, очень надо. Даю 20 поинтовMatch to form exchanges.1. Where’s the nearest shopping mall? 2. How would you like to pay? 3. What a nice dress! Is it new? 4. Was it expensive? 5. Do you like the colour? 6. Can I help you? a. No, I’m just looking, thanks.b. Yes, I bought it two days ago.c. It’s just around the corner.d. Not really. Have you got it in purple?e. No, not at all. It cost only £5.f. By cash.Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits each space.I couldn’t ____________what I bought. CHANGEThere are more than fifty _____________in this mall. DEPARTMENT STOREWe had a good time in this __________ centre. SHOPThere is a fruit cake on the table that I’ve bought in the nearest ___________ this morning. BAKEYou can find a lot of kinds of _________ in that florist’s. FLOWERPut the lines in the correct order to make a dialogue.1. No, it was only £ 45.2. At Diana’s. 3. That’s a bargain. I think I’ll go and have a look myself.4. Yes, I bought it last week. I’m glad you like it.5. Was it expensive?6. It really suits you. Where did you get it?7. What a nice necklace. Is it new?







7. What a nice necklace. Is it new?

4. Yes, I bought it last week. I’m glad you like it.

6. It really suits you. Where did you get it?

2. At Diana’s.

5. Was it expensive?

1. No, it was only £ 45.

3. That’s a bargain. I think I’ll go and have a look myself.

Второе не понял, но наверное как-то так

I couldn’t exchange what I bought.

There are more than fifty department stores in this mall.

We had a good time in this shopping centre.

There is a fruit cake on the table that I’ve bought in the nearest bakery this morning.

You can find a lot of kinds of flowers in that florist’s.

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