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Выполните задания по теме " Infinitive and Gerund "You should avoid_______(eat) junk food.I want you_____(come) here.I was sad_____(hear) you are not feeling well.I am busy____(help) you about the house.Tom was thinking of _____(call) John yesterday.He prefer______(live) in Paris.We have difficulty in ______(understand) what he say.They apologized for _____(be)late.There is no point in ______(say) good byeBob looks forwards to ______(meet) us again.She`d like _____(eat out) in the evening.We can`t wait_____(come back) home.John is always keen on ____(dive).We don`t mind _____(put up with) them.Can we finish______(discuss ) it?Has it stopped __________yet? (rain)They don't allow people ______ in front of the building. (park)I've never been to Hong Kong, but I'd like _______there. (go)I'm in a difficult position. What do you advise me……………._? (do)The film was very sad. lt made me _________ (cry)Lisa's parents always encouraged her……… hard at school. (study)If you want to get a cheap flight , I'd advise you _____ early. (book)Sarah would not let me ______her car. She doesn't trust me. (borrow)If you enter a country with a tourist visa, you are normally not allowed…….there. (work)'I don't think Alex likes me.' 'What makes you ________that?' (think)

  1. eating
  2. coming
  3. to hear
  4. to help
  5. calling
  6. to live
  7. understanding
  8. being
  9. saying
  10. meeting
  11. to eat out
  12. to come back
  13. diving
  14. putting up with
  15. discussing
  16. raining
  17. to park
  18. to go
  19. doing
  20. crying
  21. to study
  22. to book
  23. borrow
  24. working
  25. thinking
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