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Пожалуйста посчитайте ответить Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb. Use must, mustn't, or don't have to.I _________________ (1) go to school from Monday to Friday We ___________________ (2) wear a uniform, so I normally wear sports clothes. We ___________________ (3) arrive late, and we ___________________ (4) go to every class. In class, we __________________ (5) shout, play or sing. We _____________________ (6) have lunch at school, so I sometimes go home. When school finishes, I ___________________ (7) look after my little sister. When my parents come home I ______________________ (8) stay in, so I usually go out with my friends.


I must go to school ....

We don't have to wear a uniform, so I....

We mustn't arrive late, and we don't have to go to every ..

In class, we mustn't shout, play ....

We mustn't have lunch at school, so I ...

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