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Ребята, Пожалуйста посчитайте пожалуйста!!!USE YOUR ENGLISH (Use the words given in brackets to form a word that fits in the space)I’m really lonely. I’ve been having lots of 1) ( disagree) ………. and 2) (argue) ………… with my parents recently and I don’t have anyone to talk to. I don’t have any close 3) (relate)…………. with anyone my own age as I don’t have the 4) (confident)……….. to make friends easily. You see, I’m really shy. I know how important 5) ( friend)……. is, but what can you do when you don’t have any friends? Do you have any 6) (suggest)…… as to what can I do? I thought that one 7) (possible)……. might be to start wearing trendier clothes. Do you think if I change my 8) (appear)……….. it will make a big 9) (differ)………… ? Everyone thinks I’m happy but I’m not. And I can’t keep up the 10) (pretend) …….. much longer.


1. disagrees, 2) argues, 3) relatives, 4)хз , 5)friends, 6)suggestions, 7)_, 8)appeares, 9)different, 10) pretending

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