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Английский язык

Пожалуйста посчитайте пожалуйста, очень срочно надо! Даю 35 поинтов!Заранее спасибо. 2. Fill in the correct relative pronoun or adverb (who, which, where, when, whose, why)(Поставьте нужное относительное местоимение в предложения)My mum wanted to know ____________________ I didn’t finish my homework..Where is the cheese ______________________was in the fridge?A dictionary is a book ______________________you can find meanings of words.It is the boy _______________________father is a doctor.It is the day _______________________I have to take an exam.Is the artist _______________________ drew this picture French?3. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the word (-ed, -ing) (Добавьте нужное окончание к прилагательному)1. I found the book really _____________________________ (bore)2. Dad said he was really _____________________________ in us. (disappoint)3. The lesson was really ______________________________ (interest).4. Jane is always __________________________ after work. (tire)5. Jack is ____________________________ of spiders. (scare)6. How _____________________________! The cinema is closed. (disappoint)​



1. why

2. which

3. where

4. whose

5. when

6. who


1. boring

2. disappointed

3. interesting

4. tired

5. scared

6. disappointing

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