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Английский язык

3. Поставьте артикли a (an), the перед существительным, где нужно. 1. Ann has got two children: … boy and … girl. … boy’s name is Steve. … girl’s name is Susan. 2. I have got … pets: … dog and … cat. … dog is black and … cat is white. 3. What … clever dog! … dog can understand my questions. 4. What … lazy cat! … cat sleeps all day. 5. We bought … vase yesterday. … vase was very large. 6. I like … sun. … sun gives us light and warmth. 7. I like to see …. stars. … stars are always beautiful. 8. … forth poem was … shortest. 9. … garden has no … flowers. 10. I can see … birds in the trees. … birds are crows


1. Ann has got two children: a boy and a girl. The boy’s name is Steve. The girl’s name is Susan. 2. I have got pets: a dog and a cat. The dog is black and the cat is white. 3. What a clever dog! The dog can understand my questions. 4. What a lazy cat! The cat sleeps all day. 5. We bought a vase yesterday. The vase was very large. 6. I like the sun. The sun gives us light and warmth. 7. I like to see stars. The stars are always beautiful. 8. The forth poem was the shortest. 9. The garden has no flowers. 10. I can see birds in the trees. The birds are crows

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