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Turn from Active into Passive.1. People often use this common phrase in such cases.2. Even laymen must know the foundations, the scope and the role of mathematics.3. In each country, people translate mathematical symbols into peculiar spokenwords.4. All specialists apply basic symbols of mathematics.5. You can easily verify the solution of this equation.6. Mathematicians apply abstract laws to study the external world of reality.7. A mathematical formula can represent interconnections and interrelations ofphysical objects.8. Scientists can avoid ambiguity by means of symbolism and mathematicaldefinitions.9. Mathematics offers an abundance of unsolved problems.10.Proving theorems and solving problems form a very important part ofstudying mathematics.11.At the seminar, they discussed the recently published article.12.They used a mechanical calculator in their work.13. One can easily see the difference between these machines.14.They are checking the information.1615.The researchers have applied new methods of research.16.They will have carried out the experiment by the end of the week.

1. This common phrase is often used in such cases
2. The foundations, the scope and the role of mathematics must be known even by laymen
3. In each country mathematical symbols are translated into peculiar spoken words
4. Basic symbols of mathematics are applied by all specialists
5. The solution of this equation can be easily verified
6. Abstract laws are applied by mathematicians to study the external world of reality
7. Interconnections and interrelations can be represented by a mathematical formula
8. Ambiguity can be avoided by the means of symbolism and mathematical definitions
9. An abundance of unsolved problems is offered by mathematics
10. A very important part of studying mathematics is formed by proving theorems and solving problems
11. The recently published article was discussed at the seminar
12. A mechanical calculator was used in their work
13. The difference between these machines can be easily seen
14. The information is being checked
15. New methods of research have been applied by the researchers
16. The experiment will have been carried out by the end of the week
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