Описать картины по плану1.the place - место действия2.the action – действие, то что происходит на картинке3.the person’s appearance - внешность человека4.whether you like the picture or not - нравится ли вам картинка или нет5.why- почему вам она нравится или не нравится

The first picture: .John is a young guy with brown hair, sitting on a desk and writing his work. I like this painting because it is bright aesthetic.
Second picture: a room for a computer aged 80. Steve is sitting at this computer and doing something. He looks 40, with a mustache and gray hair. I do not like the painting because these computers are not shown in the painting were larger.
Third picture: Currency exchange Kim is doing its job. The painting depicts two people Kim and grandfather. Kim is a young girl with black hair and an Asian appearance. A grandfather of about sixty, with glasses for sight. I like the picture, I see no reason why I should not like him.
The fourth scene: bill stands in the corridor and holds a pizza box in his hands. Bill is a young guy, with a hat and a white T-shirt. I really like the painting because there is food here.