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Английский язык

8 Complete the sentences. Use the past simpleand present perfect in each one.1 We ... (learn) English for a long time. We... (start) when we were six.2 I... (live) here all my life. My parents ...(move) here before I was born.3 My mum ... (go) to England years ago, butshe ... (not visit) the USA yet.4 1... (meet) some of my classmates beforeI came to this school. I... (know) them sinceI was little.5 1... (see) all The Lord of the Rings films yearsago, but I... (not read) the books yet.6 Our teacher ... (teach) in this school foryears but she ... (work) in Ireland when shewas younger.


1 We ...have learned  English for a long time. We

... started when we were six.

2 I... have lived here all my life. My parents ...moved  here before I was born.

3 My mum ... went to England years ago, but

she ..hasn’t got the USA yet.

4 1... met some of my classmates before

I came to this school. I...have known  them since

I was little.

5 1... saw all The Lord of the Rings films years

ago, but I...haven’t read the books yet.

6 Our teacher ...have taught in this school for

years but she ..worked in Ireland when she

was younger.

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