4 год назад
1. Is there any/some milk in the fridge?2. There is no/any sugar at home.3. Can I have any/some water, please?4. The English put no/some milk into their tea.5. I’ve got some/any apples. Let’s make an apple pie.6. There are some/no oranges left. I must go and buy some.7. I’m going to buy some/any boxes of chocolate for the birthday party.8. We don’t need any/no cartons of juice. There are plenty of them here.9. She needs no/some fish and potatoes to cook the traditional English dish.10. Are there any sweets, Carly? – Not some/any.

Nov 10, 2020
- any
- any
- some
- some
- some
- some
- some
- any
- some
- some
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