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Пожалуйста посчитайте1. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect.1) I don’t know this man, I never (meet) him before. 2) “Where’s Nick?” – “He just (go) out”. 3) Don’t you know what the story is about? – No, I (not/read) it. 4) Don’t worry about the letter. I already (post) it. 5) I know London perfectly well. I (be) there several times. 6) I can’t find my bag. I think somebody (take) it by mistake. 7) “Do you speak Greek?” – “No, I never (study) it.” 8) “Do you know where he lives?” – “No, he recently (move) to a new flat. I (not/be) there yet”.


1. I have never met

2. He has just gone out

3. I haven't read it

4. I have already posted it

5. I have been there

6. Somebody has taken it

7. I have never studied it

8. He has recently moved

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