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Ребята нужна ваша помощь Пожалуйста посчитайте Употребите глаголы в Future Simple.1. I ‘m tired. I (go) to bed.2. It’s late. I think I (take) a taxi.3.… I (answer) the question?4. We don’t know their address. What (we / do) ?5. I’m afraid they (not / wait) for us.Our test (not / take) long.6. I’m afraid they (not / wait) for us.7. Diana (come) to the party tomorrow ?8. You (arrive) in Paris tomorrow evening.9. The boy (remember) this day all his life.10. Perhaps they (buy) a new house this year.11. He (be) fourteen next year.12. I’m not sure I (find) Jim at the hotel.13. … it (rain)?14. There (not/be) any wars in the world.15. …. there (be) television in future?щь Пожалуйста посчитайте пожалуйста завтра надо сдать


1 I will go

2 I will take

3 Will I answer

4 will we do?

5 won't wait/won't take

6 won't wait

7 Will do come

8 will arrive

9 will remember

10 will buy

11 will be

12 will find

13 Will it rain?

14 won't be

15 Will there be

won't можно написать will not

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