4 год назад
Сократить текст, сохранив основные мысли. (8-12 предложений)Breakfast of Champions We know that eating a good breakfast helps us to learn better and work more efficiently , and it gives us the energy to keep on playing when others go home exhausted. We know all this and yet most of us run out of the house every morning after only a hurried cup of coffee or a rushed glass of milk. Perhaps it’s time to make the traditional breakfast a more regular feature of our daily routine. Take the English breakfast, for example. Eat one of these and you probably won’t need anything else until the end of the day. Fried eggs, crispy bacon and sizzling sausages straight from the frying pan take pride of place on the English breakfast table. Add a slice of toast generously topped with fresh butter, jam or marmalade and you have a meal worth waking up for. Cold climates call for something warm at the beginning of the day and Russia is no exception. The early-morning aroma of home-cooked blini can drag even the deepest sleeper out from under the duvet. The huge variety of toppings means that this is one breakfast dish that will never become boring. If that did happen, you could try kasha instead. This is a type of porridge usually made from buckwheat (like the best blini!) and eaten with whatever you like – meat, fish or fruit. And what do these feasts have in common? Whether it’s from a samovar or a teapot, the perfect partner to these traditional breakfasts is the humble cup of tea – a drink shared by nations and enjoyed across distant continents.

Blau Charlotte
Nov 9, 2020
:Breakfast of Champions We know that eating a good breakfast helps us to learn better and work more efficiently.learn better and work more efficiently , and it gives us the energy to keep on playing when others go home exhausted. We know all this and yet most of us run out of the house every morning after only a hurried cup of.Perhaps it’s time to make the traditional breakfast a more regular feature of our daily routine. Take the English breakfast, for example. Eat one of these and you probably won’t need anything else until the end of the day.
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