4 год назад
Здравствуйте может кто-то помочь? Спаасиибо)Упражнение 2:Рackpoйтe ckoбkи, иcпoльзyя Complex Object:1. She expected (he/ clean) the house.2. We heard (she/ praise) his new book.3. I want (you/ call) me as soon as possible.4. My teacher saw (I/ open) the dictionary.5. His classmates considered (he/ be) a leader.6. I would like (you/come) over and visit me.7. Baby cried and wanted (she/hold) him

Nov 9, 2020
1. She expected cleaning the house.
2. We heard she is prasied his new book.
3. I want you to call me as soon as possible.
4. My teacher saw that i opening the dictionary.
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