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Tom is an orphan and lives with Aunt Polly. He is 12 years old. He has curly red hair. He is quite slender and of medium height.

Tom has a rich imagination and a kind heart. He is a brave and smart boy. He gets into trouble a lot, but I think he likes it. Tom skips school, fights with the boys. He dreams of becoming a pirate or Robin Hood because he loves adventure. One day he escapes to the island, then he takes the girl he is in love with, Becky, to a cave, and they cannot find a way out of there. I think Tom's childhood is full of fun and bright memorable days, and I really love that.


«Приключения Тома Сойера» Марка Твена. Она была опубликована в 1876 году, и это история о забавном американском мальчике, выросшем на берегах реки Миссисипи.

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