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1 Underline the correct words in the conversation.A (1) This / These is the kitchen, and (2) this / these is our living room.B It’s fabulous. Are (3) this / these your children in the photos?A (4) This / These boy is my son and (5) those / that boys are his friends.B (6) Look at those / these flowers outside! They’re lovely!A Thanks. (7) This / These vegetables here are from the garden, too.B You have a lot of books.A Yes, we like reading. (8) That / Those books on the table are from the bookshop on the High Street. Look on (9) this / that bookshelf over there! You can have (10) that / those book – it’s amazing.B Thanks!2 Write answers with the adjectives from the box and not very, very, and really.old nice big new expensive[–] [++] [+++] [–] [+++]1 Is your flat old?No it’s not very old. 2 Are your teachers nice?3 Is that restaurant expensive?4 Excuse me. Are these curtains new?5 Is the cathedral big?3 10 Complete the conversation with the words from the box.special lipstick today much crazy £35 reallyA I really like this (1) lipstick . How (2) ______ is it, please?B It’s (3) ______ .A Oh, that’s (4) ______! That’s (5)_____expensive!B It’s very (6)____.A No, thanks. Not (7)_______.P.S знаю, задания лёгкие, но время ограничено, а заданий много



1. This

2. This

3. This

4. This

5. That

6. Those

7. This

8. Those

9. This

10. That

Второе задание не знаю, прости

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