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When I was at school we ….long exercises and learn a lot of grammar rules. *1. must to write2.had to write3. must write4. to writeYou ought to buy meat now; prices … go up. *1. may2. won’t be able to3. have to4. shouldIf we …. study, we could go out. *1. didn’t have to2. could3. had to study4. didn’t haveI …. look up a lot of words in the dictionary as it was a very difficult text. *1. must2. have to3. had to4. must toWhen I was younger I …. speak Polish much better than I can now. *1. Could2. Will able3. Can4. WouldYou …. speak Spanish in another few months. *1. Can2. Have3. Will be able to4. OughtNobody answers the phone. They …. be out. *1. Should2. Can3. Would4. MustIt …. be Peter. He drives a Mercedes and this guy is driving a Jaguar *1. can’t2. ought to3. should4. might


1) When I was at school had to write exercises and learn a lot of grammar rules.

2) You ought to buy meat now prices may go up.

3) If we could study, we could go out.

4)I have to look up a lot of words in the dictionary as it was a very difficult text.

5) When I was younger I сould speak Polish much better than I can now. *

6) You will be able to speak Spanish in another few months.

7) Nobody answers the phone. They should be out.

8) It can’t be Peter. He drives a Mercedes and this guy is driving a Jaguar

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