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Chore the corect answers39.​I ____ go to the party, I haven’t decided yet. A might​​​​C am sure to B am likely to ​​​D will definitely 40.​Jon ____ play football tomorrow, he’s hurt his leg. A will definitely​​​C is unlikely to B might​​​​D is going to 41.​It rained a lot for weeks so there was a ____. A flood​​​​C hurricane​ B drought ​​​​D tsunami 42.​Mary and I ____ for a meal in the Italian restaurant tonight. I’ve just booked a table. A will go​​​​C are going to go B are going ​​​D might go 43.Don’t you think people should _____ glass and paper? A deal with​​​​C recycle​ B consume ​​​​D head for 44.​I won’t go to the party ____ you go too. A provided that​​​C as long as B unless​​​​D as soon as 45.​If I don’t understand my homework, ____ me? A do you help​​​C are you helping B will you hel​​​pD you help 46​.If you ____ plants, they die. A don’t water​​​C didn’t water B won’t water​​​D wouldn’t water 47.​That child is very ____, he doesn’t do what his parents tell him to do. A playful​​​​C changeable B arrogant​​​​D badly-behaved 48.​I had no idea that Mark didn’t like apple pie. If I ____, I wouldn’t have made it. A know​​​​C knew​ B will know ​​​D had known 49.​I don’t like any insects, especially ____. A fleas​​​​C bats​ B storks ​​D snails 50.​____, I’d talk to Sally about the problem. A If I am you​​​C If I were you B If I was you​​​D If I would be you


39. might (A)

40. is unlikely to (C)

41. flood (A)

42. will go (A)

43. recycle (C)

44. unless (B)

45. will you help (B)

46. wouldn't water (D)

47. arrogant (B)

48. had known (D)

49. fleas (A)

50. If I would be you (D)

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