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II. Put the dialogue in the correct order.1. – Would you like something to eat?… - I also like cocoa very much. Let’s start to cook.… - Sorry. There isn’t any ham left. How about pancakes with jam?… - Yes, we have some eggs and milk in the fridge. Would you help me to cook?… - I think a cup of cocoa would be great.… - Yes. I’d like a ham and cheese sandwich.… - Yes, of course. I like cooking very much.…- And what would we drink?… - That would be nice. But do we have any milk?


Would you like something to eat?

… - Yes. I’d like a ham and cheese sandwich.

… - Sorry. There isn’t any ham left. How about pancakes with jam?

…- And what would we drink?

… - I think a cup of cocoa would be great.

… - I also like cocoa very much. Let’s start to cook.

… - That would be nice. But do we have any milk?

… - Yes, we have some eggs and milk in the fridge. Would you help me to cook?

… - Yes, of course. I like cooking very much.


Я не нашла а на … - Sorry. There isn’t any ham left. How about pancakes with jam?

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