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Упражнение 5. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную форму, задайте общий вопрос и другие виды вопросов, где возможно.Образец: Tom is reading a book. Tom is not reading a book.Is Tom reading a book or a magazine? What is Tom reading?1. Mary is writing a letter to her mother now. 2. They are playing chess in the living-room. 3. Ron is trying to open the window. 4. We are translating the text now. 5. My sister is cooking breakfast. 6. My father is watching a football match the whole evening. 7. Ann is playing the violin and we are listening to the beautiful music. 8. The younger boys are singing in the boys’ choir.


На фотке только 3.

4.We arnt translating a text

Are we translating a text or book?

What we are translating?

5.my Sister isnt cooking a breakfast

Is my Sister Cook a breakfeast or dinner?

What is my Sister Cook?


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