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Выберите в скобках правильный вариант модального глагола1. He … (can’t/couldn’t) open the window as it was stuck.2. Interpreters … (may/must) translate without dictionaries.3. … (Can/May) I use me your bike for today.4. … (May/Could) you give me the recipe for this cake?5. I hardly ever see Jane, she … (may/might) have moved to Africa.6. Take an umbrella. It … (may/can) rain.7. You … (could/should) stop smoking. You know you … (cannot/must not) buy health.8. You … (may/must) finish the article as soon as possible.9. Liz does not … (ought to/have to) keep to a diet anymore.10. Lara … (can/might) get a playstation for her birthday.11. You … (must not/needn’t) read in the dark.12. My grandfather is retired, so he … (shouldn’t/doesn’t have to) go to work.13. The fridge is full, so we … (must not/needn’t) go shopping.14. Our employees … (can/must) sign this agreement.15. We … (may/ought to) reserve a table in advance if we want to have dinner there.16. I … (can’t/needn’t) believe it! You … (have to/must) be joking.17. Ann … (must/is to) finish school next year.18. Sorry, I’m late. I … (needed to/had to) wait for the plumber.19. What time do we … (should/have to) be at the railway station?20. Don’t wait for me tonight. I … (might/must) be late.21. I … (maynot/can’t) watch this film. It’s too boring.22. We’ve got a dishwasher, so you … (couldn’t/needn’t) wash-up.23. You look very pale, I think you … (need/should) stay at home.24. … (Could/Might) you, please, pass me the mustard?


1 couldn’t

2 must

3 may

4 could

5 may

6 may

7 should

8 must

9 have to

10 might

11 must not

12 doesn’t have to

13 needn’t

14 must

15 ought to

16 can’t\\have to

17 is to

18 had to

19 should

20 might

21 can’t

22 needn’t

23 should

24 Could

Объяснение: вроде всё правильно

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