4 год назад
Дуже сильно прошу допомогти,написати відповідь!!


Nov 6, 2020
1.the weather is cold
2.in December there is usually a lot of snow, continuous cold and a lot of emotions in children
3.In August, I like nature, walks at this time are very beautiful, especially the sunsets.
4.I prefer snowy weather because snow is all fun outdoor games where you and your friends make snowballs and throw themselves, or when friends make a snowman, or when a group of friends smoothes the snow hard and everyone rolls on it from the ice (в плане с ледянок)
в конце там ледянки,просто не помню как на английском.Катались на снегу!Не с санок,т.к. снег попросту розваливался
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