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Английский язык Choose the correct word. Check in your dictionary. Findabstract nouns, compound nouns and noun phrases in the text.1 Pocahontas's father was an American Indian chief/settler in Virginia.2 Pocahontas wanted people to live in war/peace.3 The English fought/arrested her and put her in prison.4 The English colonists/captains settled in Virginia trying to start a new life.5 Pocahontas had good sons/manners and the English didn't hurt her.ДАЮ 29 поинтов​


1.Pocahontas's father was an American indian chief in Virginia.

2.Pocahontas wanted people to live in peace.

3.The English arrested her and put her in prison.

4.The English colonists settled in Virginia trying to start a new life.

5.Pocahontas had good manners and the English didn't hurt her.

Объяснение:Что насчет того задание где надо найти abstract,compound nouns и phrases.Сама требуюсь в помощи.Помогите пожалуйста!!!Мне надо сделать до 15:00!!

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