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МНОГО БАЛЛОВ помогите пожалуйста ответьте на вопросы it is difficult to keep up with technology these days. The constant appearance of new inventions and innovations means that whenever we buy a high-tesh device, it becomes outdated after a year. Luckily, though most of us keep up with the sustainabilityof gadgets. For example, nearly everyone has a mobile phone, and the old ones work the same way as the new, though with fewer capabilities. Another example is with broadband; this type of internet service has been around for so long that most people have it these days and they don't need to change it because it works well and is sustainable.

1.Why do you think it is difficult keep up technology these days?
2.What helps us to keep gadgets for a long time?
3.Do you often buy high-tech devices?
4.Do you have broadband at home?
5.Are your gadgets sustainable?

1. I think, its difficult to keep up with technology because nowadays technology is developing faster and faster
2. Careful attitude helps us to save our gadgets
3. No, because I havent got enough money
4.  Yes, i have
5.  At this moment - yes
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