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Fred is from Blackwood bud he lives in London. One he came back to his native town and saw many changes there. Say what Fred saw using passive forms of
the verbs.

1) They had rebuilt the old library.
2) They had turned the town centre into a real shopping area.
3) They had opened a new fire station.
4) They had changed some street names.
5) They had closed the old local stadium.
6) They had bought new paintings for the gallery.
7) They had planted a lot of trees in the park.
8) They had cut down the old oak near the school.
9) They had moved the market away from the central square.
Желательно с переводом, за ранние спасибо

Фред из Блэквуда, но живет он в Лондоне. Однажды он приехал в родной город и увидел, что там многое поменялось. Скажите, что увидел Фред используя пассивные формы глаголов. 1) The old library had been rebuilt. Старая библиотека была перестроена. 2) The town center had been turned into a real shopping area. Центр города был превращен в настоящую торговую площадь. 3) A new fire station had been opened. Новая пожарная станция была открыта. 4) Some street names had been changed. Некоторые названия улиц были изменены. 5) The old local stadium had been closed. Старый местный стадион был закрыт. 6) New paintings had been bought for the gallery. Новые краски были куплены для галереи. 7) A lot of trees had been planted in the park. Много деревьев было посажено в парке. 8) The old oak had been cut down near the school. Старый дуб рядом со школой был срублен. 9) The market had been moved away from the central square. Рынок был перенесён с главной площади.
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