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Срочно , переведите текст . В моем доме 2 комнаты , моя комната , гостиная , кухня и ванная . В моей комнате большая кровать и большой стол. В гостиной большой диван , телевизор , шкаф и много цветов . На кухне большой стол , плита , холодильник и раковина . В ванной комнате : ванна , и шкаф

In my house, my room two living room, kitchen and bathroom. In my room, a large bed and a large table in the living room a large sofa, TV, wardrobe and lots of flowers. In the kitchen, a large table cooker, fridge and sink bathroom with bath and closet.
There are two bedrooms in my home: my bedroom, a lounge, a kitchen and a bathroom. There is a big bed and table in my room. There is a big sofa, tv, cupboard and a lot of flowers in my lounge. There is a big table, a kitchen stove, a fridge and a sink in my kitchen. There is a bath and a cupboard in my bathroom.
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