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Jack turned off the main road and drove down a narrow lane. Almost there,he thought. He'd been driving all night and was trying not to fall asleep at the wheel. 20 minutes later, he parked in front of an old wooden house by a river. Nobody had lived in this house since his father died before he'd gone to work as a security guard at the Chicago Bank. He got out of the car and looked around. The sun was already rising behind the old house and the birds were already singing in the trees by the river bank. He opened the boot of the car and took out a small backpack and brown leather briefcase. Seeing the briefcase again made Jack think about what he'd done in Chicago the previous evening. Jack walked up the wooden steps to the front door and lifted up one of the porch. Underneath the pot was the front door key that he had put there last time he was there. He unlocked the door and went inside. He smiled to himself. The plan had worked perfectly. The room was just how he'd left it three month earlier, and Jack thought he'd be safe here. For a while,anyway. He walked into the kitchen to make some coffee. A man in the dark blue suit was sitting at the kitchen table. He was smoking a cigarette and had obviously been sitting there for some time. "Hello Jack", said the man. "what's in the briefcase?" He put the brief case on the table and pushed it towards him. "Take a look for yourself", said Jack.

ОЧЕНЬ НЕПОНЯТНАЯ ИСТОРИЯ КАК СМОГЛА ДОПОЛНИЛА,ПОЧИТАЙ СНАЧАЛА РУССКИЙ ПЕРЕВОД,ВДРУГ НЕ ПОНРАВИТСЯ,Джек не мог понять кто же сидит за столом в этом строгом синем костюме..но поговорив с ним немного, узнал своего давнего друга Били ,с которым он очень сильно посорился ,и теперь его ждала что то ужасное,так как Били знал о всех проделках Джека .Джеку только оставалось отдать свой портфель,где лежало ...его самое драгоценное сокровище.Но немного подумав Били решил ,что им нужно работать в паре.так у них раньше это очень хорошо получалось.Взамен если Джек станет с ним работать в паре ,он отдаст то сокровище Джеку.И на этом история Джека не закончилась...его ждали новые приключения.А так же он разгадал загадку ..очень страшную тайну,связаную с его дедушкой...
Jack could not understand who sits at a Desk in this simple blue suit..but after talking with him a bit, found out his old friend bill ,whom he greatly posorilis ,and now he waited for something terrible,like bill knew about all the shenanigans of Jack .Jack only had to give up his portfolio where he lay ...his most precious treasure.But after thinking a little Beat decided that they need to work together.so they used it very well.Instead if the Jack will be working with him in tandem ,he will give that treasure Jack.And the story Jack is not over...it was waited by new adventures.And as he has solved the mystery ..a very terrible secret related to his grandfather...
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