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Reading is one of the most popular pastimes and books are one of the main sources of knowledge.
Everyone knows this but, __________________(FORTUNATELY), there are many young people who don’t like to read.They say it is not cool but I firmly __________________(AGREE) with them. Books have the ability to take you to another world, to wake up your __________________(IMAGINE) and transport you to places you’ve never been to. Books can be __________________(DIFFER) in size and content. Their stories can be __________________(EXCITE), scary, romantic or funny but above all, books are just interesting. I'm absolutely sure that books by a good __________________(WRITE) will always be popular.

Reading is one of the most popular pastimes and books are one of the main
sources of knowledge.  
Everyone knows this but, __unfortunately__(FORTUNATELY), there are many young people who don’t like to read.They say it is not cool but I firmly __disagree_(AGREE) with them. Books have the ability to take you to another world, to wake up your _imagination_(IMAGINE) and transport you to places you’ve never been to. Books can be __different_(DIFFER) in size and content. Their stories can be __exciting__(EXCITE), scary, romantic or funny but above all, books are just interesting. Im absolutely sure that books by a good __writer__(WRITE) will always be popular.
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