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Английский язык

Помогите пожалуйста очень нужно срочно!!!!!!Плииииззз!!!!!)))))))))))
1 задание : Find the mistakes and correct them.
1. My sister is the older in our family.
2. This room is most big than ours.
3. My father is the goodest than my brother.
4. Winter is the most coldest in the year.
5. Moscow is larger city in Russia .
2 задание : Write your own sentences.
Model: Moscow/big/Kursk.
a) Moscow is bigger than Kursk.
b) Kursk is not as big as Moscow.
1. Days/long/night.
2. His book/good/mine.
3. Her dress/nice/yours.
4. My tent /heavy/his.

1 Задание
 My sister is the oldest in our family
This room is bigger than ours 
My father is better then my brother
Winter is the coldest season in the year
Moscow is the largest city in Russia 
Задание 2 
Days are longer than night
His book is better tan mine
Her dress is nicer than yours
My tent is heavier than his 
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