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Complete the sentences with the right verb.
на пример:We must change in the changing room and so must you.
i've never had time for doing sport and neither______ my friend.But now we go to fitness classes twice a week!
2) Klara would like to buy a new pair of trainers and so ________Kate
3) Nick and Val were the best team players last hockey season and so _______ David
4) I haven't got a tennis racket with me today and neither _______my partner.so we are going to play tomorrow.

1) Ive never had time for doing sport and neither playing fitness with my friend. But now we go t o fitness classes twice a week!
2) Klara would like to buy a new pair of trainers and so me and Kate.
3) Nick and Val were the best team players last hockey season and so I was with David.
4) I havent got a tennis racket with me today and neither did my partner. So we are going to play tomorrow.
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