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Английский язык

Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в Past Simple или Past Perfect.

I ______________________________________________ (to finish) my homework at 7 p.m.
Tina _________________________________________ (to return) from the cinema by 9 p.m.
When the teacher ______________ (to enter) the classroom, the students already ______________ (to open) their notebooks.
Mother _____________ (to see) that her son ____________________ (not to wash) his hands.
The teacher ___________________ (to understand) that Helen _____________________ (not to do) her homework.
I ______________ (to know) that my friend _________________________ (not to come) yet.
When I _________________ (to wake up) yesterday, father already _____________ (to go) to work.
Tom _________________ (to think) that his father ___________________ (not to come) home yet.
Mary ____________________ (to tell) us that she __________________ (to cook) a good dinner.
Yesterday I _____________________ (to find) the book which I _______________ (to lose) in summer.

I  finishуed my homework at 7 p.m.
Tina had returned from the cinema by 9 p.m.
When the teacher entered the classroom, the students had already opened their notebooks.
Mother saw that her son had not washed his hands.
The teacher understood that Helen had not done her homework.
I knew that my friend had not come yet.
When I woke up yesterday, father had already gone to work.
Tom thought that his father had not come home yet.
Mary told us that she had cooked a good dinner.
Yesterday I found the book which I lost/had lost in summer.
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