6 год назад
Переведите предложения, пожалуйста! Дам очень много баллов!
1. Концерт только начался. А вчера он начался намного позже.
2. Он сломал ногу в прошлом году. С тех пор он еще не катался на коньках.
3. Вот твои туфли. Я их только что почистила. – Спасибо, но я их чистила вчера вечером.
4. Как долго ты работаешь в этом магазине? – В течение 5 лет. – А когда ты стал менеджером? – Полгода назад.
5. Мой брат написал несколько романов. Вчера он закончил десятую книгу.
6. Где ты был? Я уже закончила обедать.
7. Ты когда-нибудь пробовал бросить курить? – Я пытался два года назад, но потом я начал толстеть.
8. Вы слышали новость? Наши соседи переехали в Германию. – Когда они переехали? – На прошлой неделе.
9. Я никогда не спал в палатке, но я спал на скамейке прошлым летом.
10. Сегодня очень туманно с самого утра. Вчера тоже было туманно.

Aug 12, 2019
1 The concert has just begun. And yesterday it started much later.
2 He broke his leg last year. He hasn’t skated yet since then.
3 Here are your shoes. I have just cleaned them – Thanks, but I cleaned them yesterday evening.
4 How long have you been working in this shop – For 5 years. – And when did you become a manager – Half a year ago(6 months ago)
5 My brother has written several novels. Yesterday he finished the tenth book.
6 Where have you been I have already finished my lunch/dinner.
7 Have you ever tried to give up smoking – I tried 2 years ago but I started getting fat then.
8 Have you heard the news Our neighbours have moved to Germany. – When did they move – Last week.
9 I have never slept in a tent but I slept on a bench last summer.
10 It has been very foggy since morning today. Yesterday it was foggy too.
2 He broke his leg last year. He hasn’t skated yet since then.
3 Here are your shoes. I have just cleaned them – Thanks, but I cleaned them yesterday evening.
4 How long have you been working in this shop – For 5 years. – And when did you become a manager – Half a year ago(6 months ago)
5 My brother has written several novels. Yesterday he finished the tenth book.
6 Where have you been I have already finished my lunch/dinner.
7 Have you ever tried to give up smoking – I tried 2 years ago but I started getting fat then.
8 Have you heard the news Our neighbours have moved to Germany. – When did they move – Last week.
9 I have never slept in a tent but I slept on a bench last summer.
10 It has been very foggy since morning today. Yesterday it was foggy too.