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Write eight questions for your friend. Example: play computer games - How often do you play computer games?
1 . Watch TV. 2.help your mum. 3. Play the guitar. 4. Eat chocolate. 5. Reading books. 6. Play football. 7. get up at 6 o'clock in the morning walk your dog. Плиз даю 25 балла

1when do you usually watch Tv
2How often do you help your mum
3Can you play the guitar
4Do you like eat chocolate
5we like to read an interesting books
6He plays football every day
7you must get up at 6 oclock in the morning and walk with your dog

Did you watch Tv yesterday
do you help your mum
Can you play guitar 
Do you  eat chocolate,or dont you
Are you reading books
Do you play footbal
If you have a dog,could will you get me answer,do you get up 6 oclock in the morning walk with your dog

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