6 год назад
Say what can you about Moscow an St Perersburg.

Aug 12, 2019
People by nature are too jealous,what kind of argument without any makeupWhat if the person has no makeup on my face so hes a freak immediately,if you face excuse came,that him and glossed over his Foundation and others,as man he can look like he is comfortable!!And suddenly, this woman has three children,and they have nothing,what the hell makeup thenYou GodsKnow about all people thingsAnd you know if you have decided to compile all of them,saying that they are ugly,then look at yourself,if you started talking about the beauty of what you have to offerMarket clothes,the garden and the gardenMe kill all the talk,all hayut Moscow and still here the bars,then sit in their huts,and nose pokes.Sorry I offended anyone,but just a shame for Moscow!!!Moscow is after all the birthplace,every brick,every Church,every square,the same Arbat,Red square,what to precisley,there are so many places,and all eerily favorite and native...