6 год назад
Спросите столько вопросов сколько вы сможете по этому предложению :They have brought twenty chairs in the hall.

Aug 12, 2019
Have they brought twenty chairs in the hall
Have they brought twenty or fifteen chairs in the hall
Who has brought twenty chairs in the hall
What have they done
What have they brought in the hall
How many chairs have they brought in the hall
Where have they brought twenty chairs
They have brought twenty chairs in the hall, havent they
но я б сказала - to the hall везде.
Have they brought twenty or fifteen chairs in the hall
Who has brought twenty chairs in the hall
What have they done
What have they brought in the hall
How many chairs have they brought in the hall
Where have they brought twenty chairs
They have brought twenty chairs in the hall, havent they
но я б сказала - to the hall везде.