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Английский язык

Люди добрые! Help me, please!!! Помогите пожалуйста, очень надо до завтра.
Form the alternative questions.
Example: My brother likes skating (3). —Does your brother like skating or skiing? Does your or his brother like skating? Does your brother or Pete like skating?
1) The film is exciting (2).
2) Thousands of people visits this international exhibition (2).
3) He watches TV every day (3).
4) They are going to the country on Friday (3).
5) She is painting the walls (3).
Form the question tags. Example: She comes home at 3 pm. — She соmеs home at 3 pm, doesn't she?
1) They are returning home next month.
2) We are buying a loaf of bread.
3) She opens the window every morning.
4) There is a theatre in the centre of the city.
5) I am right.
Special questions and questions to the subject. Correct the mistakes if any.
1) How often you have your English classes? 2) What you do at English lessons?
3) What you prepare for your lesson?
4) Who are absent from the previous lesson?
5) How many points you have for your exam?
6) Who you going home with?
7) Who knows this district well?

1.Is the film exciting Is the film excitind or terrible
2.Does thousands of people  visit this international exhibition
  thousands of people  visit this international exhibition or the museums
3.Does he watche TV  every day Does he watche TV  every day or only in the morning
Are they going  to the country on Friday  Are they going  to the country on Friday or on Thursday
5.Is she  painting the walls Is she  painting the walls or the dres
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