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Hi ! my name's Debbie and i've got a goldfish. Its name's Goldie. It's .... (quite) pet in the world! Actually, I wanted a piranha fish bud they are ...... ( dangerous) than goldfish . They bite! Also Goldie is ..... (small) than a cat or a dog and my mum likes that because we have a small house, too. A goldfish is ..... ( clean) than a hamster, so i can keep it in my room! i love Goldie! Debbie Lowe

Hi ! my names Debbie and ive got a goldfish. Its names Goldie. Its the quitest pet in the world! Actually, I wanted a piranha fish bud they aremore dangerous than goldfish . They bite! Also Goldie is smaller than a cat or a dog and my mum likes that because we have a small house, too. A goldfish is cleaner than a hamster, so i can keep it in my room! i love Goldie! Debbie Lowe
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