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Complete the conversation. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous of the verbs in brackets.

Lisa: Polly! What a surprise! What (1)... (you/do) here in York?

Polly: Hi. Lisa! I (2) ...(buy) a new guitar. Do you remember the band

I’m in? Well, we (3) ...(play) at the Sports Club in our town every
Saturday night.

Lisa: Great! That’s fantastic! .

Polly: Yes. What about you? What,(4) ...(you / do) these days?

Lisa: (5)...(study) architecture - this is my final year. At the moment I (6)...
(work) m an architect’s office to get some work experience. Listen. I sometimes
(7)... (go) home at the weekend. Can I come and listen to you and your band?

Polly: Of course! There’s a great atmosphere at the club! Everyone knows
the songs and people (8)... (dance) too. We usually (9)... (start) playing at
eight o’clock.

Lisa: l’ll definitely see you soon, then, Polly!

Are you doing im buying play are you doing im studying im working go dance start
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