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1. I like your jeans. ___new? a) Are they b) Is it c) Is they
2.Can i have ___, please? a)two toasts b)two slice of toast c)two slices of toast
3.Would you like ___ chocolate biscuit? a) a last b) last c) the last
4.You've got a lot of books? Oh, ___ all belong to my husband. a)the books b)books c)a book
5.None of the furniture in the flat ___ new. a) is b)isn't c)are

1. I like your jeans. ARE THEY new

2. Can I have TWO SLICE OF TOAST, please

3. Would you like THE LAST chocolate biscuit

4. Youve got a lot of books Oh, THE BOOKS all belong to my husband.

5. None of the furniture in the flat ISNT new.
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