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Английский язык

Задайте общие и специальные вопросы к каждому предложению. PAY ATTENTION TO THE MODELS OF EACH QUESTION TYPE.
MODEL: She goes to SCHOOL every day.
Geneal question: Does she go to school every day?
Special question: Where does she go every day?

1. People chop down A LOT OF TREES every year.
2. She offered ME a cup of tea.
3. Someone has stolen BEN'S bike.
4. They will build more BUS LANES.
5. They have just written THE ANSWERS.
6. She will send them a fax TOMORROW.
7. They are going to show him a new technique IN THE LABORATORY.
8. The teacher gives the pupils EXTRA LESSONS.
9. The report was written by JANE.
10. You need to show YOUR PASSPORT as a proof of your identity.

1. Do people chop many trees every year How many trees do people chop every year 2. Did she offer me a cup of tea Whom did she offer a cup of tea 3. Has anyone stolen Bens bike Whose bike has anyone stolen 4. Will they build more bus lines What will they build more 5. Have they just written the answers Whar have they just written 6. Will she send them a fax tomorrow When will she send them a fax 7. Are they going to show him a new technique in the labaratory Where are they going to show him a new technique 8. Does the teacher give the pupils extra lessons What does the teacher give the pupils 9. Was the report written by Jane By whom was the report written 10. Do you need to show your passport as a proof of your identify What do you need to show as a proof of your identify
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