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Английский язык

Английский язык 7 класс. помогите срочно пожалуйста.
Remember the new language of unit 2 and do these tasks.
A. Find the words and word combinations which mean almost the same as:
1) a vocabulary, 2) a translator, 3) a native language, 4) nearly, 5) to go out of the room, 6) to run away, 7) to start work, 8) to drill, 9) to understand.
B. Ask for more information.
1) He memorized it. 2) They disappointed him. 3) She practised it.
C. Think of the correct way the same in Russian.
to live in complete isolation, the foundations of the town, the boy was helpful, reading is helpful, a grammar drill, to be out the practice, practice makes perfect, to be related to the problem, a man of average height, to realize one's dream.

1 a vocabulary -  a  dictionary
2 a translator -  an interpreter
3 a native language - a mother tongue
4  nearly   -  almost
5 to go out of the room - to leave the room 
6 to run away - to escape
7 to start work - to begin work
8 to drill - to excercise - to practise
9 to understand - to realize
B. Ask for more information. 
1) He memorized it. 
What did he memorize
2) They disappointed him. Whom did they disappoint
3) She practised it. What did she practise

C. Think of the correct way the same in Russian. 
to live in complete isolation = жить в полной изоляции
the foundations of the town = основы (устои, фонд) города - перевод зависит от текста
the boy was helpful = от мальчика была польза (он всегда и всем помогал или мальчик был услужливым)
reading is helpful - чтение полезно
a grammar drill - упражнение в грамматике, муштра, натаскивание, тренировка
to be out the practice = не иметь практики
practice makes perfect = практика делает идеальным, совершенным, безупречным
to be related to the problem = иметь отношение к проблеме
a man of average height = мужчина среднего роста
to realize ones dream = 
осуществить свою мечту
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