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Английский язык

Fill in prepositions, and adverbs where necessary.

1. You've got a mark on your cheek. Have a look at the mirror. 2. The boy who is sitting ... your right is smiling ... such a pleasant way. 3. Look at the boy and the man .., the portrait. They are father and son, but the son differs so much ... his father. He is the very image ... his mother. 4. She found it difficult to be fond ... the two children. They had both taken ... their father ... looks. 5. She was rather keen ... her profession.


1. Youve got a mark on your cheek. Have a look at the mirror. 2. The boy who is sitting on your right is smiling in such a pleasant way. 3. Look at the boy and the man in the portrait. They are father and son, but the son differs so much from his father. He is the very image of his mother. 4. She found it difficult to be fond of the two children. They had both taken after their father on looks. 5. She was rather keen on her profession.

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